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НачалоMikroTikLTE - Мобилен Интернет

LTE - Мобилен Интернет


ACSMAUFL - U.fl-SMA female pigtail

U.fl-SMA female пигтейл за връзка между LTE карта и външна антена.


Цена без ДДС:14.00лв.
Цена с ДДС:16.80лв.


mANT LTE е омни антена разработена за LTE честоти. Идеално допълнение към нашите LTE устройства - wAP LTE и LtAP. Антената е с усилване 5dBi, подобрява обхвата в региони със слабо LTE покритие, позволявайки достигането на по-високи скорости при обмена на данни и мобилен интернет.

Цена без ДДС:35.00лв.
Цена с ДДС:42.00лв.

MikroTik hAP ax lite LTE6 - L41G-2axD&FG621-EA

hAP ax lite - four Gigabit Ethernet ports combined with a speedy dual-core ARM CPU and 256 MB of RAM, you’ve got a solid SOHO router. With mobile connectivity. But the value train doesn’t stop here. As a bonus, we’ve added 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) wireless and a strong 4.3 dBi dual-chain antenna. It might not be the main feature here, but don’t underestimate it: our latest wireless chips allow you to squeeze the traditional 2.4 GHz wireless spectrum like a lemon! Depending on your overall setup, you can expect an increase in speed of up to 90%!

The freedom of LTE

Cable networks can no longer limit you. Mobile internet is there for you – wherever you choose to go. And it will never slow you down! You can reach consistent speeds of up to 300 Mbps with carrier aggregation, as the built-in CAT6 modem allows devices to use multiple bands simultaneously. That is a huge advantage in areas with many LTE users. hAP ax lite LTE6 provides better responsiveness in a crowded environment and higher efficiency for weaker signal situations in the countryside. Depending on the service provider, we have seen Internet speed doubling in rural areas after switching to carrier aggregation!

And don’t let the price fool you. hAP ax lite LTE6 is the real deal. It comes with all the extensive features of RouterOS 7. Our team takes pride in giving you the freedom to push our devices to the limit. Secure VPN tunneling, bandwidth shaping, firewall, user access control – you make the rules here.


РЪКОВОДСТВО(user manual)

Цена без ДДС:150.00лв.
Цена с ДДС:180.00лв.

MikroTik LHGG LTE6 kit - LHGGR&FG621-EA

LHGG LTE6 kit - насочена 17 dBi антена и най-новият Cat6 LTE модем с възможност за използване на множество LTE канали едновременно осигуряват бърза и надеждна връзка. Възможност за монтаж на стълб, мачта, покрив или друга висока конструкция!

Gigabit Ethernet – за да можете да използвате пълния потенциал за скорост на LTE модема, който е надстроен от Cat4 до Cat6! Новият LTE модем ни позволява да намалим цената и да увеличим производителността. Елегантният и ненатрапчив дизайн, устойчив на атмосферни влияния, е доказал своята устойчивост в различни климатични зони, издържайки дори на най-суровите ветрове без усилие. Насочената антена със 17 dBi усилване може да се похвали с поддръжка на широка гама от LTE канали - от 700 MHz до 2700 MHz. С такова обширно покритие можете да очаквате да уловите сигнал практически навсякъде по света!

Cable networks and phones can no longer limit you. Choose an LHG – and always stay connected!



Цена без ДДС:297.00лв.
Цена с ДДС:356.40лв.

MikroTik wAP LTE kit (2024) - wAPR-2nD&EC200A-EU

A refresh of the classic weatherproof wAP LTE kit – with a new LTE modem that brings the PRICE DOWN and the performance UP!

wAP LTE kit is a tiny weatherproof wireless access point for installation outside your house, in the garden, on your porch, or in any other challenging environment where you need a capable wireless connection on the tightest budget possible. It features an Ethernet port with passive PoE-in, but there are more ways to power this affordable access point: there’s also a standard DC jack and an automotive plug. wAP LTE kit is weatherproof and can be fixed to any external wall from the inside of the case – for extra security and less visible attachments. The bottom part can also be secured with a special anti-vandal screw, which can only be opened by the owner. There is an opening in the back of the case, allowing you to run the Ethernet cable directly behind the unit and through the wall. This way the wAP attracts less attention and blends into any environment.


Цена без ДДС:163.00лв.
Цена с ДДС:195.60лв.

wAP LTE kit

The wAP LTE is a small weatherproof wireless access point with a built in cellular modem that supports 2G, 3G and 4G (LTE) connectivity. Connect to the wAP’s built-in 802.11b/g/n wireless and access the LTE network from your phone or any other wireless device. The wAP LTE also has one 10/100 Ethernet LAN port for your wired devices.

LTE cards are connected to two internal antennas with u.FL connectors, so if you want, you can unplug the connectors and add your own external LTE antenna for larger coverage. Unit has the several powering options - 9-30v PoE-in by Ethernet port, DC jack and Automotive connector, very handy in mobile devices like car, bus or train.

RBwAPR-2nD&R11e-LTE includes LTE modem that supports International LTE bands 1,2,3,7,8,20,38 and 40.

Цена без ДДС:168.00лв.
Цена с ДДС:201.60лв.
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